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 We Are Providing Some Supporting Documentation Here:

(Please note there are possibly hundreds of documents and even thousands of texts available.)

Jennifer Peacock started the non-profit by contacting community members involved in animal abuse, and animal protection prior to defendant sentencing.  Moreover she reached out to members of the community most able to help her start a publicity campaign, not just for changing laws but  we believe to impugn the character of the person she blamed for abuse and to protect her daughter Dakota.  Here are the steps:

1. Unbury the puppy. 2. Report the crime to the police. 3. Rally volunteers. 4. Do a smear campaign. 5. Sentencing. 5. Start the non-profit.  Unload the volunteers that are are not compliant. Find other compliant volunteers.  5. Solicit Funds. Attach to political figures.  6. Get money and donations, party! 7. Sleep with (Commit Adultery) With Volunteer's Spouse while taking money and expertise from her for about 7.5 months.

So what happened: First off.  Credible volunteers rallied when Peacock asked them to. However the initial treasurer and first volunteers left because things did not add up.  Website and flyers were made without any  business info and during this time initial volunteers left. Defendant was sentenced for the crime of animal abuse and a 501C4 was started. Peacock got rid of the volunteers who paid for the website and did all the creative work for the flyers. However she had 501C3  falsely advertising on the flyer because she was told that people would not donate to Hank’s Law Foundation unless their donations which included goods and services were tax deductible.  Peacock named herself Director then President, and the first treasurer already had stepped down.  Here is her response to her irresponsible behavoir in a confrontation by business owners:   

                                        RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS OWNERS


When you listen to the recording…notice how Peacock deflects and blames everyone else?  She blames volunteers but she is the Director then President of the Non-Profit and had final say on everything.  Then she blames “an abusive marriage.”

Well lets talk abut this:  The first set of volunteers stepped down and were advised to notify businesses and donors that things were amiss.  This was the advice given by the Idaho Tax Authority, in Coeur D’Alene.  The Idaho Tax Authority had advised volunteers that Hank’s Law Foundation was not in fact a 501C3 as advertised.  It was a different type of entity altogether.  Peacock was telling everyone that Hank’s Law Foundation was a 501C3 because she was aware that people would not donate unless it was.

501C3’s offer businesses the opportunity to reduce their tax burden at the same time increasing charitable giving.  It is a win-win for everyone.  Let’s say you are a business that gives thinking that you are donating to a 501C3 because Peacock tells you Hank’s Law Foundation is one.  Not only are you donating to a sketchy organization but you still have a tax burden.  This is why North Idaho Community Members were so angry.  

But it gets even better…Jennifer Cook Peacock started to realize people were on to her.  Volunteers were stepping down, questioning her actions…demanding accountability…but this was not her first rodeo in our opinion…So what does she do?  Well she fires some of the honest volunteers…Not literally, because no one was an employee…she just removes them from the Facebook page of Hank’s Law Foundation and out of the blue tells them that they are no longer welcome.  Why?  Because they were questioning what was going on AND, they had rendered services and materials and time including paying for websites and other things out of their own pocket.  This action completely took them by surprise.  Guess what, nothing was tax deductible.  Subsequently, Jennifer Peacock sicced the Kootenai County Police on one of the volunteers.  The one most responsible for getting the foundation off the ground.  This volunteer was cited with a Slander misdemeanor…basically administratively arrested.  Why?  For telling the truth.  The Deputy who issued the citation we believe had a prior relationship with Peacock. (He was very friendly) and while he was on duty, (what a coincidence) Peacock called the police…

The funny thing is…Kootenai County Police Department does not really enforce two types of laws…this is a quote directly from KCPD,

“Slander”  and “Adultry”  These laws are on the books in Idaho but not really enforced…can you imagine?  However this deputy DID cite the volunteer causing much stress, fear and financial hardship.  Moreover, he did not investigate the other side.  Could this be construed as harassment?  Peacock using the muscle of the police department to enforce her misdeeds and misuse of a charity?

                                                    The  Slander Charge Was Dropped Immediately. Peacock Attempted to get the police to do this more than once.  To Kootenai County’s Police Department Credit, they did not respond.

It get’s even better:  How you ask?   Well, the first group of volunteers stepped down, so Peacock found other volunteers.  Including a husband and wife team.  Guess what she did.  In December of 2018 she started having an affair with the husband.  Yep.  In January 2019 the relationship was announced on Facebook…but the wife did not know.  She was volunteering for the non-profit.  Nice huh?  How's that for professionalism?  Generally in business and non-profits you want to avoid fraternization.  Peacock did not care.  The spouse moved out of his family home in March 2019.  We believe moving in with Peacock. Ironically…hurting his wife immeasurably.  What is worse…she kept volunteering for Hank’s Law Foundation.  She did not find out until August of 2019 that Peacock was with her husband.  (Peacock extracted every drop of work out of her.)  So yes, Ms. Peacock was committing a FELONY  under Idaho Laws.  She is one dirty bird.


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Adultery..>North Idaho Kootenai County Crazies

DON’T BE BULLIED BY LIARS :  (CLICK AND ENJOY) REAL ANIMAL WELFARE PEOPLE DO NOT DO THESE THINGS!   We have have been asked to clarify our story and why we are focusing on ADULTERY:  of Jennifer Cook, Nick, Maguire, Goin Peacock:   And how it relates to 5013C Non profit fraud:  (And Abuse of Animals and Hank the puppy that died…)  Well “dear readers” here goes:   This charity  Hank’s Law Foundation was basically started with “good” intentions, but the initial works and efforts were done by volunteers.  Including,  we believe  people being used as a smokescreen to hide the bad acts of its founder Jennifer Peacock.  These included hiding the fact that her own daughter “Dakota” may have abused the Hank leading to his death, as witnesses have come forward to admit that she abused the puppy pretty harshly. (A list from a Public Meeting…Not Well Attended, Where… Dakota is now married to “Vince Vienna” (is her name Dakota Vienna now?...

Abuse of Emotional Support Animal

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Adultery & Slander v.s Empathy & Professionalism This is a public service site to prevent fraudulent activity and furthur harm by people who are not just unqualified to run a non- profit...but  to raise serious questions about community safety.  100% of earnings received from this blog will be returned to a qualified Animal Welfare Charity.  We are not a 501C3 Nor are we accepting donations.    Our first question is…asking… Why was Hank not initially removed from the situation?   ( if you need to read the history go here. ..) A responsible person would have done so.   It is our opinion based on contact with key players that the puppy died because it was in the custody of an animal abuser and the wrong person was made responsible for the crime.    No one other than Peacock or her daughter testified against Austin.   No one except these two...mother and daughter claimed to have seen Austin abuse Hank,...what's more many witnesses came forward testifying Au...
