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Our Opinion


Hank's Law Foundation Fraud

Original Incorporation Papers


Hank’s Law Foundation was started  on paper in April 2018  but really started prior for a trial for animal abuse, (a misdemeanor) in North Idaho…when a Jennifer Cook Peacock who named herself.. Director then President formed a 501c4 with the State of Idaho.  The charity was started because “Hank” a poor puppy was abused by her daughter Dakota, and supposedly her friend by the name of Austin.   Witnesses testified in court at the trial that they had seen Dakota abuse the puppy too.  Moreover, it was reported that Austin had not abused the puppy but Dakota had been the main instigator and while the puppy was in Austin’s custody  an accident occurred  with two other dogs.  

The puppy was badly hurt…so it was taken to the vet by Dakota and Colton her boyfriend.  It died on the way to the vet and it was buried.  Jennifer Peacock, Dakota’s mother… unburied the puppy and took it to the vet.  The vet sent the remains out for further testing.  It was discovered that the puppy had serious prior injuries.  Unfortunately the puppy was in Austin’s custody while the accident happened with the two dogs…and he was left holding the bag, or the puppy as it were. 

People gave information  (testified) that he would take care of the puppy while Dakota was out of the residence because he did not like to see it locked up in a room or overly heated room. Many people came forward to defend Austin.  People were absolutely adamant that he had never abused the puppy nor was he capable of animal abuse.   Dakota was never punished or prosecuted for her part in the puppy’s abuse or demise.  Blame was heaped on her friend and roommate and he was prosecuted and convicted.  Witnesses actually came forward to testify that Dakota had abused or mishandled the puppy and a vet testified the puppy had prior injuries.  Hank the puppy had seen the vet on more than one occasion and Jennifer Peacock  had administered pain medications.  Dakota was never charged  for animal abused but instead in our opinion: 

Dakota worked with her mother to commit fraud. 

Peacock used members of the community to create and promote a publicity campaign, not only to raise money for a charity…but in our opinion to obfuscate…the fact her daughter was actually involved in the puppy’s death.  (Another word for obfuscate in this sense is “frame”.)…Peacock, using the time, resources and talents of community volunteers…appears to have created a smoke screen regarding all the details regarding Hank’s care and death.  Why would anybody leave the puppy in the care of person or person(s) that might abuse it?

  Ask yourself the question.  You might do it if this person was your own child…and when the puppy dies…you use them…to deflect the real crime.

After the trial, which was witnessed by members of the  Northern Idaho community, Randi Schumacher incorporated the charity.  It was filed with the State of Idaho on April 12, 2018.  Schumacher may have been the one to have it filed it as a 501c4 when it was supposed to be a 501c3.  Peacock did not know what she was doing and did not care. It’s all about the money and covering her tracks.  


Hank’s Law Foundation was advertised as a 501c3 and this was false.  Irregularities started to happen…  Complaints to the Idaho Bar were made and Randi Schumacher stepped down.  All the initial volunteers left including the treasurer because money  that was being taken  in by Jennifer Peacock and being used improperly for personal use.  Jennifer Peacock appeared to be fully unaware and uncaring of the tax ramifications.  

Threats were made against volunteers when volunteers and board members questioned Peacock’s actions.  She even tried repeatedly to get individuals arrested for her fraud and bad actions.  Volunteers who reported her actions were cited and charged with slander but this was dropped because there was no evidence moreover no one had  fully investigated the claims and the evidence that was brought forth against Peacock.  Peacock with others even tried to sue volunteers!

This information was debated in the Coeur D’Alene Press and other places.   The Idaho Attorney General’s office invited comments and complaints.  These complaints were submitted in letter and online.  It was discovered that the Foundation was advertising that donations were tax deductible when they were not.  Receipts were not given for cash, (Peacock received checks made out to her personally) and items received by the charity.  Hank’s Law Foundation put boxes (little dog houses)  out in the community for cash donations and volunteers stated that Peacock pocketed the money without reporting this cash to the charity.  

Volunteers were advised by Idaho tax agents to notify donors and let them know what was going on.  Donors asked for receipts.  (Peacock was repeatedly admonished but did not listen.  The first treasurer, 2nd treasurer and board members and others stepped down because money that was supposed to be used to promote and help with animal abuse, instead Peacock pocketed donations for her own use and she bullied people who were holding her accountable.

Peacock lost the volunteers because of apparent fraud and bad acts, and she kept credible people’s names on filing paperwork as if they were still involved.  She was threatened with a lawsuit because she fraudulently used credible community leaders names to file the paperwork with the State of Idaho. 

None of these people, community leaders wanted to be involved.

In April 2019, Peacock changed the Foundation into a 501c3 and Peacock was off to the races.   Credible community members found out she had put their name on the new incorporation papers even though they were no longer involved.  Peacock and her daughter Dakota had events and supported politicians and went all over Kootenai County, Idaho and other places all the while pocketing cash and donations.  This was witnessed and reported by volunteers.  Previous donors who had their names on flyers as supporters asked to be removed but Peacock distributed the flyers anyway...

When donors and the public have stepped forward to ask for accountability, Peacock evades and denies.  We believe she used public funds for private use.  We don’t just…believe we know…because we have her financial information.  We have not posted all of the banking information to protect the integrity of the bank account. However we have  pictures of checks and other deposits…and the accounting information.

As of this writing Hank’s Foundation website is still up and her pay pal account is still operating.  A deposit into her bank account shows Hank’s Law Foundation is open and ready for business.  However this charity is not doing what it is supposed to be doing.  Jennifer Peacock has NEVER worked to change a law or legislation or help animals in any way.  All she has done is help herself…to YOUR...(The Public) money!

We are posting this blog for the public’s protection.  Money laundering and improper use of funds happens all the time.  The internet makes it very easy for people to steal your hard earned money and in this case time and expertise as well.   Do we need to change the laws in Idaho to better protect animals?  We sure do.  But Fraudsters are not going to do it.  Protect yourself.  Investigate a charity and the character of founders before you give time, money, goods or services.  

Make sure they are properly licensed.   Know who you are associating with…

This charity in our opinion used and abused people. Good and well-intentioned community members have done their due diligence to report what was happening.  Hank’s memory is better served by good and honest people who actually care about animal abuse, not grifters who are involved in the puppy’s death.

G-d Bless Hank.

This situation is serious.  In our opinion there has  been financial fraud and possibly the wrong person was prosecuted.

Original Picture of Hank

"As lightning springs out of its concealment in dark clouds to flash through the world, so the divine light, imbedded in matter, emerges through charitable deeds…Thus, through charity, a sort of divine revelation occurs in the soul." ~~ Shneor Zalman


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