www.hankslawfoundationfraud.com This is a public service site to prevent fraudulent activity and furthur harm by people who are not just unqualified to run a non- profit...but to raise serious questions about community safety. 100% of earnings received from this blog will be returned to a qualified Animal Welfare Charity. We are not a 501C3 Nor are we accepting donations. Our first question is…asking… Why was Hank not initially removed from the situation? ( if you need to read the history go here. ..) A responsible person would have done so. It is our opinion based on contact with key players that the puppy died because it was in the custody of an animal abuser and the wrong person was made responsible for the crime. No one other than Peacock or her daughter testified against Austin. No one except these two...mother and daughter claimed to have seen Austin abuse Hank,...what's more many witnesses came forward testifying Au...
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www.HanksLawFoundationFraud.com Consumer Protection Information on a Charity In Northern Idaho. Do your research before you Donate!